Your bathroom is an area in your home that gets a lot of foot traffic. It's also a breeding ground for germs, as it's the place where you go to the toilet and do your business. Disease-causing bacteria and viruses that may live in your bathroom include:
You don't want these organisms lingering in your bathroom and infecting your family and guests. As such, it's important that you deep clean this area of your Elisa Homes unit once or twice a month. Here's how to do it.
Here are some essential equipment and materials you'll need for your deep clean:
The more stuff you have in your bathroom, the more space that germs have to hang out and hide. Clean up the trash bin and put your mats and toilets in the laundry for cleaning. Decluttering also helps you get the space to move around your bathroom when cleaning.
Before you go and spray every inch of your bathroom with soap and water, make sure to clean off the dirt, dust, and hair with a broom and dustpan first. You don't want to end up with disgusting clumps of wet grime that you have to pick up and throw away. Start at the highest surface in your bathroom and work your way down. This top-to-bottom approach ensures that the dirt you clean off falls to the floor, which you'll work on last.
Next, spray some all-purpose cleaner on your mirrors, fixtures, and shower door (if you have one). Spread the mixture on one side of the cloth and dry it off with the other side. You can also use a squeegee on the larger surfaces to keep them streak-free.
Next, use your all-purpose cleaner to spritz your bathroom walls and countertops, using your microfiber cloth to wipe off the dirt. Next, get some baking soda and sprinkle it onto the sink. Use a scrub pad or old toothbrush and a small amount of water to clean the grime off the sink. Lastly, drain the mixture completely.
Work your way from the least dirty part to the dirtiest part of the toilet. Use your all-purpose cleaner on the tank, lid, and seat. Next, sprinkle some baking soda into the toilet. Spread it around using a toilet brush and water. Flush the mixture after cleaning.
Next, get your scrub brush and all-purpose cleaner to work on the floor. If you have delicate composite floors, use a rag instead. Make sure to cover every corner, especially hard-to-reach places like the toilet's base. These damp, dark areas are where germs multiply rapidly. Rinse the mixture thoroughly if you can.
Now that you've cleaned everything, it's time to spray some disinfectant on the dirtiest parts of the bathroom, like the toilet, sinks, corners, and trash cans.
Deep cleaning your bathroom is hard work. Moving around the room and scrubbing and wiping every inch of it will leave you tired. However, it's well worth the effort knowing you've gotten rid of germs that could've caused you or your family harm.