Mosquitoes are common pests in the Philippines. They often hover around people at night, waiting for the right time to strike and feed on human blood. Mosquitoes can quickly get into your home and breed. Their bites are more than just a simple annoyance. According to the Philippine Department of Health (DOH), they also carry disease-causing bacteria and viruses. Such organisms can cause brain inflammation, dengue, chikungunya, and malaria. One bite is all it takes for you to get infected by these life-threatening illnesses.
A study by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) found that summer is the best time to eliminate mosquitoes that may be breeding on your property. This is because mosquitoes that transmit dengue breed and multiply during the cold, rainy season.
Now that it’s summertime, it’s the perfect time to get rid of these disease-carrying critters. Here’s how to keep them out of your Elisa Homes property.
Standing water happens when a puddle of water stays in one place, making it a breeding ground for bacteria and even insects like mosquitoes. Get rid of puddles and fill them out. Make sure to empty glasses or buckets of water before leaving your home or sleeping. If your home has gutters, make sure it isn’t clogged. This way, rainwater can flow freely. Replenish vases and flowerpot saucers multiple times a week to eliminate mosquito larvae and eggs.
Mosquitoes are susceptible to scents. As such, it’s pretty easy to repel them using scented candles or essential oil diffusers. Any whiff of citronella, clove, rosemary, peppermint, or lemongrass oil will keep those nasty bloodsuckers away. You can also put these plants in your garden for a more natural solution.
Closing one’s windows is not an option in countries with tropical climates. This is especially true during the hot summer months. Install window screens to let outdoor air in without allowing mosquitoes in. You can also fit a large mosquito net over your bed if you want extra protection. Check your screens and nets periodically for large holes. Repair or replace damaged sections immediately.
Get a mosquito lamp if mosquitoes continue to bug you despite all the preventative measures. This works by emitting ultraviolet light, which attracts bugs. A charged fence electrocutes the mosquito when it tries to get close to the light. What’s great about these appliances is that they work with various insects, not just mosquitoes. You can get a good quality mosquito lamp for well below PhP 2,000.
Some mosquito breeding grounds may be hidden in hard-to-reach places, like the damp spots inside your walls. If this is the case, you’ll need to call a pest control company to treat these areas. Have a construction professional inspect and repair these spaces to ensure they stay dry and pest-free.
Mosquitoes are more than just an annoyance. These slender little critters can infect you with dangerous diseases with just one painful bite. Use these methods to get rid of mosquitoes before they even land on your skin.